There are two categories of agroforestry in the Republic of Ireland, those that are not grant aided and are poorly recorded, and those that are grant aided and are well recorded. With one exception most of the grant aided plantations are silvopastoral and the products include silage, hay, grazing, pigs, poultry and sheep. It is hoped to explore small breeds of cattle and calves at some stage. Currently silvoarable systems are not grant aided but this may change post 2020.
At the moment we are exploring the possibility of setting up an Irish organisation that will include Northern Ireland and develop a website for it. Currently the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine have a website that includes details of their agroforestry measure.
The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine had developed demonstration plots starting in 2012 based on research in Northern Ireland by Professor Jim McAdam. The success of these plots resulted in a scheme being introduced in 2015. The scheme is implemented by the Department and is carried out by contractors on farmers land. Over the last 4 years we have learned a lot through our successes (mostly) and failures. At the moment there are 42 applications representing 134 hectares at various stages of approval. The Department is fully committed to agroforestry and is looking forward to introducing a new agroforestry scheme for post 2020.