Becoming a member of IUAF is open to any institution and any individual concerned with the interest in promotion, support or research related to agroforestry.
The benefits of IUAF membership include:
Influence the global conversation about agroforestry
Help shape national, regional, and global policy recommendations about agroforestry
Support the effort to invest more into agroforestry research
Develop your science capacities, with special support if you’re from a developing country
Access a unique knowledge base of agroforestry
Discounted registration fees to WCA, the World Congress on Agroforestry (subject to agreement with the WCA Organizing Committee)
Unique networking opportunities
Publicize your news and your work to colleagues around the world through IUAF media
Opportunity to take a leading role in international agroforestry!
Are you an institution? Add the IUAF logo to your publicity – and we will display your logo in our membership list.