Christian Dupraz
Vice President (Statutory)
Brief info
Christian Dupraz, a senior researcher at INRAE (French National Institute for Agronomical Research), serves as the President of IUAF, the International Union of Agroforestry. Christian graduated as a forest engineer and defended his Ph.D. on the impact of trees on water and nutriments cycles at the catchment scale, in an effort to understand how acid rains were threatening European forests. He then dedicated his professional and activist life to agroforestry. He started in the 1990's by studying traditional French agroforestry systems, including silvopastoral systems and walnut based alley-cropping systems, at a time when nobody was caring about agroforestry in Europe.
He designed and managed the Restinclières Agroforestry Platform (45 ha of agroforestry experiments and demonstrations, established in 1995, 15 km North of Montpellier city). Restinclières is nowadays the oldest agroforestry experiment in Europe with a continuous monitoring since plantation. He coordinated the SAFE (Silvoarable Agroforestry For Europe) research project from 2000 to 2005 and is an associate editor of the Agroforestry Systems Journal. He published the first textbook on agroforestry in Europe in 2008.
Christian was the founding President of the French Agroforestry Association (AFAF) in 2007 and of the European Agroforestry Federation (EURAF) in 2011. He was involved in concerted efforts to make the European Common Agricultural Policy more favourable to agroforestry, and advised the French government on these issues. He chaired the scientific committee of the 4th World Agroforestry Congress that was hold in Montpellier, France in May 2019.
During the last decade, he extended the concept of agroforestry (trees and crops) to agrivoltaism (solar panels and crops). The word "agrivoltaic" appeared for the first time in a paper published by Christian and colleagues in 2011. Christian chaired the first world congress on agrivoltaics in 2020. As an elected member of the Occitanie region parliament in France, Christian Dupraz promoted agroforestry by implementing incentive programmes for French farmers.